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Lap activity pillow


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Do you know what stage of Alzheimer's Disease your loved one is in?

Do you know what to watch for next?

Do you have sitters coming in and need to have a better system to help them provide the best care?

Does your loved one have behaviors that you should be tracking?

Do you have all of the information written down you need when you go to your doctor visits to help them understand what needs you may have?

Do you need help keeping track of appointments, medicines, vital signs, weights, meals, bowels, and behaviors?

The Caregivers Notebook will help you recognize what stage your loved one is in and prepare for what is coming next for your loved one.

It is very important you understand the disease and know what is coming next!

I also have an Alzheimers Blog site 

Please check it out if you have time, I believe there is a lot of information you may find helpful.